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Dear Sirs and Madams, Dear Friends,
We are very pleased with the fact Wrocław will again be a magnet attracting cardiologists. Taking this opportunity, we would like to invite you on behalf of the Organizing Committee to visit the capital city of Lower Silesia again to participate in the
Next year’s edition of the PCS Congress is shaping up to be an exceptional event organized in a novel formula. The motto of the Congress will be “Cardiology is an art”, as we want to incorporate the topic of art into our sessions. It is no accident that Wrocław has been named as the European Capital of Culture 2016, the World Book Capital 2016 and the host of the European Film Awards 2016. The capital of Lower Silesia has an established reputation as a major European centre of science and art. For many years, Wrocław has been hosting famous festivals, open-air performances of the greatest opera works prepared by the Wrocław Opera, exhibitions and shows presenting works by renowned artists. The city also has excellent museums including the Racławice Panorama or the Museum of the Lubomirski Princes. Throughout its history, Wrocław has been known as a city of tolerance, open to Europe and the world, striving to create conditions promoting dynamic development and collaboration among scientists and artists. We believe that you will also feel the spirit of cardiology intertwined with art during next year’s Congress.
We are now witnessing fast-changing developments in cardiology and cardiovascular medicine. During the Congress in Wrocław, Polish and international experts will gather to present and discuss results of ground-breaking clinical trials, new ideas and achievements in cardiology. We expect that the Congress will offer clinicians an opportunity to share their views on optimal diagnostic and therapeutic decisions concerning patients with cardiovascular diseases. We also trust that the event will be a great forum for the presentation of scientific accomplishments of experts specializing in cardiac diseases.
We hope that our varied programme of scientific and cultural events will encourage you to take part in the Congress.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the magic city of Wrocław!
Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Banasiak
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Ponikowski
Prof. dr hab. Ewa A. Jankowska
Dr Robert Zymliński
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 19th International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society
Przewodniczący – Dariusz Dudek
Jarosław Kaźmierczak (Szczecin) – Konsultant Krajowy ds. Kardiologii
Marian Zembala (Zabrze) – Konsultant Krajowy ds. Kardiochirurgii
Andrzej Budaj (Warszawa) – Przewodniczący Komisji Wytycznych i Szkolenia
Krzysztof Filipiak (Warszawa) – Redaktor Naczelny „Kardiologii Polskiej”
Skład członków tworzących grupy tematyczne:
Rafał Baranowski (Warszawa)
Grażyna Brzezińska-Rajszys (Warszawa)
Marek Deja (Katowice)
Jarosław Drożdż (Łódź)
Stefan Grajek (Poznań)
Piotr Hoffman (Warszawa)
Ewa Jankowska (Wrocław)
Andrzej Januszewicz (Warszawa)
Karol Kamiński (Białystok)
Jarosław Kaźmierczak (Szczecin)
Cezary Kępka (Warszawa)
Magdalena Kostkiewicz (Kraków)
Michał Krejca (Katowice)
Artur Mamcarz (Warszawa)
Przemysław Mitkowski (Poznań)
Katarzyna Mizia-Stec (Katowice)
Grzegorz Opolski (Warszawa)
Ryszard Piotrowicz (Warszawa)
Piotr Pruszczyk (Warszawa)
Beata Średniawa (Zabrze)
Adam Witkowski (Warszawa)
Jerzy Krzysztof Wranicz (Łódź)
Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Banasiak
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Ponikowski
Prof. dr hab. Ewa A. Jankowska
Dr Robert Zymliński
Thursday1October |
HALL Wroclaw; |
HALL Kraków |
HALL Zabrze |
HALL Katowice |
HALL Poznań |
HALL Łódź |
HALL Gdańsk |
HALL Szczecin |
HALL Warszawa |
HALL Lublin |
HALL Płyta główna |
09:00 - 10:30 |
Antiplatelet drugs beyond aspirin – what do we have? Antiplatelet drugs beyond aspirin – what do we have?Session of the PCS Working Group on Cardiovascular PharmacotherapyChairpersons: B. Wożakowska-Kapłon (Kielce) Clopidogrel Ticagrelor Prasugrel In my patient I will not use classic antiplatelet drugs |
Echocardiography in mitral valve diseases Echocardiography in mitral valve diseasesSession of the PCS Working Group on EchocardiographyChairpersons: A. Szyszka (Poznań) Echocardiographic anatomy of mitral valve Evaluation of mitral stenosis and selection for PMBV Evaluation of organic and functional mitral regurgitation MitraClip-selection for intervention, monitoring and evaluation after intervention Plastic surgery of mitral valve- selection for intervention, monitoring and evaluation after intervention |
Sports cardiology problems in children and adolescents Sports cardiology problems in children and adolescentsSession of the PCS Working Group on Sports CardiologyChairpersons: B. Werner (Warszawa) The heart of the young athlete – what determines the size of the left ventricle? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – how to recognize in children and adolescents? ECG in pre-participation screening – do we have criteria for children and adolescents? Cardiac arrhythmias and conduction abnormalities in children and adolescents - do they limit sport activity? |
Diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary hypertension according to the new ESC guidelines Diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary hypertension according to the new ESC guidelinesSession of the PCS Working Group on Pulmonary CirculationChairpersons: A. Torbicki (Otwock) Arterial pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary hypertension related to heart failure Pulmonary hypertension in the course of chronic lung diseases Thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
When do cardiac computed tomography and magnetic resonance change clinical decisions? When do cardiac computed tomography and magnetic resonance change clinical decisions?Session of the PCS Working Group on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed TomographyChairpersons: C. Kępka (Warszawa) Patient with chest pain? Patient with heart failure? Patient with enlarged right ventricle? Indications to CT and MR of the heart according to ESC guidelines |
Severe circulatory failureSession of the PCS Working Group on Cardiac SurgeryChairpersons: J. Sadowski (Kraków) Patients selected for heart and lungs transplantation. Personal experience Mechanical support in circulatory failure, LVAD devices, personal experience Treatment of valve disease in circulatory failure The role of revascularization of a heart in circulatory failure treatment |
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction - the art of diagnosis and treatment Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction - the art of diagnosis and treatmentSession of the PCS Working Group on Heart FailureChairpersons: J. Nessler (Kraków) Epidemiology and prognosis It is not a single disease – how to make the diagnosis? Challenges in current treatment? Any new treatment perspectives? |
Patients with acute cardiac diseases and concomitant diseases Patients with acute cardiac diseases and concomitant diseasesSession of the PCS Working Group on Acute Cardiac Care and ResuscitationChairpersons: B. Średniawa (Zabrze) Patient with heart failure and renal dysfunction Patient with acute coronary syndrome and atrial fibrillation treated with DAnonVK Patient with pulmonary embolism and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Data from Polish Register of Hypothermia in 2015 year |
Challenges in cardiac rehabilitation in 2015 Challenges in cardiac rehabilitation in 2015Session of the PCS Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and ExerciseChairpersons: J. Wolszakiewicz (Warszawa) Do we still need cardiac rehabilitation when cardiology and cardiac surgery is developing so dynamically Cardiac rehabilitation in the oldest patients – an increasing problem, new challange The role of ergospirometry test in cardiac rehabilitation- current recommendations |
Acute cardiac conditions in pregnant women Acute cardiac conditions in pregnant womenSession of the PCS Working Group of Women Heart DiseasesChairpersons: M. Klocek (Kraków) Aortic dissection during pregnancy – diagnostic difficulties and management Decompensated heart failure in pregnant women with cardiomyopathy Cardiac arrhytmias and conduction disturbances in pregnant women - management Acute coronary syndrome in pregnant woman Pulmonary embolism – is management different in pregnant women? |
10:45 - 12:15 |
New ESC/PCS 2015 guidelinesSession of the PCS Committee on Guidelines and EducationChairpersons: A. Torbicki (Otwock) Pulmonary Hypertension – diagnosis and management ESC Task Force Chairman’s view Management in acute coronary syndromes without ST segment elevation Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infective endocarditis Management in patients with ventricular arrhythmia and prevention of sudden cardiac death Diagnosis and management in pericardial diseases |
Ventricular arrhythmia- when to think about... Ventricular arrhythmia- when to think about...Session of the PCS Working Group on Cardiac ArrhythmiaChairpersons: J. Kaźmierczak (Szczecin) Ablation ICD Implantation (in spite of all) Maybe only AAD? Maybe cardiac surgery will be enough? |
Nuclear cardiology in clinical practice Nuclear cardiology in clinical practiceSession of the PCS Working Group on Nuclear CardiologyChairpersons: A. Kaźmierczak-Dziuk (Warszawa) New diagnostic possibilities in nuclear cardiology Diagnostic guidelines on nuclear cardiology in Europe and United States of America PET-CT or PET-MR in heart disease diagnosis? |
"Medicine in the art". The competition on the knowledge about relationships between the art and medicineSession of the PCS "Club 30" Working Group and Academy of Young Scholars and ArtistsChairpersons: K. Stolarz-Skrzypek (Kraków) Painting, sculpture and architecture Literature and philosophy Music |
Transposition of the great arteries – from fetus to adult Transposition of the great arteries – from fetus to adultSession of the PCS Working Group on Pediatric CardiologyChairpersons: B. Werner (Warszawa) Prenatal diagnosis of TGA – what has changed over the last 10 years? Arterial switch operation – early and late results Postoperative care after arterial switch operation in children, teenagers and young adults Adult patient after atrial baffle repair for TGA in childhood- remote outcomes |
Valvular diseases – experimental research and clinical prospects Valvular diseases – experimental research and clinical prospectsSession of the PCS Working Group on Experimental CardiologyChairpersons: T. Wierzba (Gdańsk) New insight into biochemistry of aortic valves Mechanism of early and late valvular dysfunction after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) New directions in development of biological aortic valve prostheses Insights from preclinical evaluation of transcatheter aortic valve replacement systems and clinical implications |
Valle for Life – new hopes for patients with aortic stenosis Valle for Life – new hopes for patients with aortic stenosisPCS Association of Cardiovascular InterventionsChairpersons: J. Legutko (Kraków) Introduction Current indications for percutaneous treatment of severe aortic stenosis – cardiac surgeon point of view Current indications for percutaneous treatment of severe aortic stenosis – interventional cardiologist point of view Disscusion and consensus Non-invasive assessment before, during and after TAVI – TEE, TTE, Angio TK Indications for PCI before TAVI – has FFR any value? New devices for TAVI – hope for better results Balloon aortic valvuloplasty for children with aortic valve dysplasia Key take-home messages. Rationale and purposes of the “Valve for Life” Program in Poland |
RBBB evaluation in different clinical situations – this is still art! RBBB evaluation in different clinical situations – this is still art!Session of the PCS Working Group on Noninvasive Electrocardiology and TelemedicineChairpersons: J. Wranicz (Łódź) RBBB – diagnostic criteria RBBB in acute cardiac syndromes RBBB in heart failure RBBB – mask of depolarization and repolarization disturbances in genetic disorders RBBB in chronic heart diseases |
Risks ofvalvular heart disease surgery Risks ofvalvular heart disease surgerySession of the PCS Working Group on Valvular Heart DiseaseChairpersons: T. Kukulski (Zabrze) Risk scales, special patient populations Particular risks and complilcations associated with aortic valve surgery Particular risks and complilcations associated with mitral valve surgery Particular risks and complilcations associated with tricuspid valve surgery |
Adult with congenital heart disease - difficult clinical cases Adult with congenital heart disease - difficult clinical casesSession of the PCS Working Group on Congenital Heart Disease in Young and AdultsChairpersons: A. Klisiewicz (Warszawa) Working Group board election, activities report in 2013-2015 Patient with hypoplastic left heart after surgery, with acute coronary syndrome Dilemmas in patient after Rastelli procedure Patient after Fontan procedure - when to do conversion? |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Cardiology of XXI century – novel vascular therapies – bioresorbable vascular scaffold “One patient, many challenges” – which is about merits of collaboration – Experts DebateSatellite session organized by AbbottChairpersons: J. Stępińska (Warszawa) Opening Interventional Cardiologist: Bioresorbabale scaffolds as the innovation of the CAD treatment General Cardiologist: BVS – how it changes the long-term prognosis of the patient with ACS Heart surgeon: Iron Heart – is this the history? Summary – Debate a round table Take home message |
DAnonVKA- facts and mythsSatellite session organized by Boehringer IngelheimChairpersons: Z. Kalarus (Zabrze) DAnonVKA - drug preferred in atrial fibrillation- fact or myth? DAnonVKA - drug of a choice in pulmonary embolism - fact or myth? DAnonVKA - safe therapy - fact or myth? |
Students' articles rewarded during al-poland students' conferences Students' articles rewarded during al-poland students' conferencesStudents' articlesJury: M. Grabowski (Warszawa) Article rewarded during 24th National Students’ Cardiology Conference in Gdansk: Acoustic stress stimuli in daily life - do individuals associated with medical community perceive them differently? Article rewarded during International Medical Students’ Conference in Cracow: Evaluation of the influence of the meteorological factors on incidence of takotsubo cardiomyopathy Article rewarded during New Frontiers in Interventional Cardiology in Cracow: The Thebesian valve height/coronary sinus ostium diameter ratio (H/D-Ratio) as a new indicator for specifying the morphological shape of the valve itself in multisliced com Article rewarded during 10th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists and 20th National Students’ Scientific Groups’ Conference in Wroclaw:Antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy in patients undergoing electrophysiological devic Article rewarded during Juvenes Pro Medicina in Lodz: Acute kidney injury in patients with acute heart failure Article rewarded during 11th Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists: Excluding fluoroscopy exposure during cathether ablation procedures for accessory pathway Article rewarded during 10th International Medical Students’’ Cardiology Congress in Zabrze: The predictive value of platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in the assessment of patients with heart failure Article rewarded during 15th International Congress of Young Medical Scientists in Poznan:Knowledge on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with coronary artery disease or its risk factors Article rewarded during 10th International and 15th Multidivisional Scientific Congress of Medical Students in Katowice:Assessment of physical activity and coronary atherosclerosis risk factors occurrence in first year medicine students – preliminar Article rewarded during 24th National Students’ Cardiology Conference in Gdansk: Factors associated with rotational atherectomy procedural failure in patients with calcified coronary arteries |
Session of original articles nominated for the prize of the PCS Scientific Committee - field of clinical sciencesJury: A. Gackowski (Kraków) Long-term outcomes and predictors of 3-year mortality after discharge home from acute myocardial - analysis of joined databases PL-ACS and AMI-PL national registries Age and gender differences in place and causes of deaths of acute myocardial infarction in-patients in a 3-year observation after discharge (from nationwide AMI-PL study Which patient with left ventricular ejection fraction <= 40% and when die during 3 years after discharge home from acute myocardial infarction - analysis of joined databases PL-ACS and AMI-PL national registries Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement through upper-hemisternotomy approach provides excellent outcomes-our experience with over 400 cases Pre-procedural dual antiplatelet therapy and bleeding events following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) |
Poster Session of articles nominated for the prize of the PSC Scientific Committee Poster Session of articles nominated for the prize of the PSC Scientific CommitteeJury: M. Kurpesa (Łódź) The clinical impact of atrial fibrillation complicating ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction depends on location of infarction and timing of arrhythmia - data from a 10-year prospective study Carotid artery stenting prior to the urgent cardiac surgery - a hybrid treatment strategy The clinical manifestation of Non-compaction Cardiomyopathy in the developmental period - a single center experience Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists treatment in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction in Poland (DATA-HELP registry) The influence of antihypertensive treatment on arterial stiffness, shear stress and activity of chosen matrix metalloproteinases Cied Infections - the lesson from lead extraction. How many patients are managed improperly before the procedure? Major transvenous lead extraction complications – appearence and management an analysis of 1767 procedures Indications for removal of the leads and the presence of residues of connective echocardiography after surgery transvenous lead extraction First Polish analysis of the treatment of severe heart failure in children with BerlinHeart assist device Single center early experience with Valeo Balloon Expandable Vascular Stents in treatment of pulmonary arteries stenosis in small children |
Session of original articles nominated for the prize of the PCS Scientific Committee – students' articlesJury: E. Jankowska (Wrocław) Beliefs about stress determine hemodynamic and ventilatory responses to acoustic stressor in young and healthy men Treatment and prognosis of patients presenting with myocardial infarction and nonobstructive coronary artery disease Is there any correlation between Carotid Artery Ultrasound, Ankle Brachial Index and SYNTAX Score? Anticoagulation therapy with VKA in patients with atrial fibrillation and cognitive disorders. Acoustic stress stimuli in daily life- do individuals associated with medical community perceive them differently? |
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) - What shall we know in 2015 Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) - What shall we know in 2015Chairpersons: A. Ochała (Katowice) Who is the right candidate for TAVI in Poland? Cardiologist opinion Who is the right candidate for TAVI in Poland? Cardio surgeon opinion How to use imaging techniques in qualifications to TAVI procedures When geriatrician can be help in patient evolution in qualification to TAVI procedure Which vascular access- cardiologist opinion Which vascular access - vascular surgeon comments and concerns regarding reduction in complication rate Which anticoagulants and antiplatelet treatment I recommend in patients after TAVI |
Will PCSK9 inhibitors revolutionize the guidelines on the treatment of hypercholesterolemia? Will PCSK9 inhibitors revolutionize the guidelines on the treatment of hypercholesterolemia?Educational grant AMGENChairpersons: P. Ponikowski (Wrocław) Lipid-lowering therapy landscape in 2015 PCSK9 inhibitors - do we need new therapy while living in the era of statins? Is a good interventional treatment success of experienced cardiologist? - analysis of clinical cases Panel discusion |
Challenges for multidisciplinary teams in heart failure patients Challenges for multidisciplinary teams in heart failure patientsSession of the PCS Working Group on Nursing and Medical TechniqueChairpersons: I. Uchmanowicz (Wrocław) Heart failure nursing. What is the future? Heart failure nurse within the multidisciplinary team Ethical consideration on palliative care in heart failure patients |
Session of original articles nominated for the prize of the PCS Scientific Committee - basic sciencesJury: J. Drożdż (Łódź) Influence of hypoxia and iron deficiency on the cellular stress response and the molecular machinery involved in iron metabolism within rat H9C2 cardiomyocytes and L6G8C5 myocytes Post infarct heart failure is associated with increased synthesis of heart’s fraction of oxytocin Neuromuscular electrostimulation of lower limbs in patients with chronic heart failure (exercise tolerance)-a randomized study Serum VEGF-C concentration as the modulator of the relation between urinary sodium excretion and blood pressure in humans Higher IL-35 serum concentration in patients with coronary artery disease – the association with cholesterol fractions and postmenopausal status and the effect on immunomodulatory functions of aortic smooth muscle cells |
14:00 - 15:30 |
General Assembly of the Members of the Polish Cardiac Society General Assembly of the Members of the Polish Cardiac Society |
15:30 - 17:00 | Polish Forum of Science in Cardiac and Vascular Diseases | ||||||||||
Chronic pulmonary embolism- thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension – how to diagnose and treat in 2015?Chairpersons: P. Pruszczyk (Warszawa) Does active searching of chronic pulmonary hypertension after severe pulmonary embolism make sense? Diagnosis and qualification and invasive treatment of CTEPH Usefulness of echocardiography in monitoring after treatment with balloon angioplasty of patients with thromboembolic arterial pulmonary hypertension Farmacological treatment of CTEPH- new hopes |
Arrhythmia ablation – when it is necessary to say stop? Arrhythmia ablation – when it is necessary to say stop?Chairpersons: J. Kaźmierczak (Szczecin) How many time should we try to ablate AF? Ventricular arrhythmia that I will not ablate This patient is not a candidate for atrial fibrillation ablation |
Does cardiologist need to cooperate with diabetologist and nephrologist? Does cardiologist need to cooperate with diabetologist and nephrologist?Cardio-nephro-diabetologic sessionChairpersons: S. Grajek (Poznań) Renal dysfunction and diabetes - prognosis after myocardial infarction Insulin therapy in cardio protection- current challenges Controversy about sodium – clinical implications |
Bioresorbable scaffolds. Benefits, limitations, risks Bioresorbable scaffolds. Benefits, limitations, risksChairpersons: M. Lesiak (Poznań) Potential benefits in the light of current studies and registries Percutaneous interventions in acute coronary syndromes Early and Long Term Clinical Outcomes of Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (Absorb) in Real-world Patient Population: Insights from a Multicenter Retrospective Registry Bioabsorbable scaffolds in complex coronary lesions Antiplatelet therapy after interventions with DES-BVS |
Cardio-pulmonary exercise testing - current position in cardiac diagnostic management Cardio-pulmonary exercise testing - current position in cardiac diagnostic managementChairpersons: E. Straburzyńska-Migaj (Poznań) Cardio-pulmonary exercise testing in sport Pulmonary hypertension – what information is provided by cardio-pulmonary exercise testing? Heart failure – cardio-pulmonary exercise testing not only in selection for heart transplantation Role of cardio-pulmonary exercise testing in cardiac rehabilitation Cardio-pulmonary exercise testing in patients with congenital heart diseases |
Always healthy and beautifulChairpersons: M. Janion (Kielce) Pro: Hormone replacement therapy in 2015- in all patients? Contra: Hormone replacement therapy in 2015- in all patients? Hormonal contraception- in all patients? Gynecologist point of view Hormonal contraception- in all patients? Cardiologist point of view Thyroid disease- cardiac issue in women |
Prevention and epidemiology in Poland in 2005-2015 Prevention and epidemiology in Poland in 2005-2015Jubilee session to celebrate 10-year anniversary of Prevention and Epidemiology Section of PCS and Polish Forum for Cardiovascular Diseases PreventionChairpersons: Z. Kalarus (Zabrze) Decade of Prevention and Epidemiology Section of PCS and Polish Forum for Cardiovascular Diseases Prevention The prevalence of risk factors in the Polish population - epidemiological studies over the period 2005-2015 Media campaigns to promote health and prevention of cardiovascular disease in Poland Conclusions of prevention programs led in 2005-2015 Campaign for tobacco cessation as an example of effective population intervention Guidelines on prevention of circulatory system diseases in Poland Directions in the research on epidemiology and prevention in the next decade |
Analytical aspects of cardiac markers assessments - What should clinician know? Analytical aspects of cardiac markers assessments - What should clinician know?Chairpersons: K. Żmudka (Kraków) Cardiac troponins - more and more difficult interpretation BNP/Nt-proBNT - not only for cardiologists Lipid Profile - whether is time for a change? |
Duo: heart and brain- what should we remember? Duo: heart and brain- what should we remember?CardioneurologyChairpersons: R. Lenarczyk (Zabrze) Cardiogenic stroke- causes, results Cardiogenic stroke and the coagulation system DAnonVK in prevention of cardiogenic stroke „Upstream therapy” in prevention of cardiogenic stroke |
17:15 - 19:10 |
Conference Opening Ceremony |
19:20 - 20:30 |
Cardiology in Poland in 2015-2020, what should we expect and what should we do? Cardiology in Poland in 2015-2020, what should we expect and what should we do?Session of the President of PCS and the National Consultants and the Chairperson of the Congress Programme CommitteeDiscussion panel: D. Dudek (Kraków) Cardiovascular diseases in Poland in the light of the most important health indicators.20 min Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in the light of recent epidemiological studies. 20 min Cardiology in Poland in 2015-2020 Cardiac surgery in Poland in 2015-2020 Innovations in Polish cardiology in cooperation with ESC. Aims and objectives of the project |
20:45 | GET TOGHETER | ||||||||||
Friday2October |
HALL Wroclaw; |
HALL Kraków |
HALL Zabrze |
HALL Katowice |
HALL Poznań |
HALL Łódź |
HALL Gdańsk |
HALL Szczecin |
HALL Warszawa |
HALL Lublin |
HALL Płyta główna |
08:00 - 08:55 |
Cardiometabolic newsSatellite session organized by MSDChairpersons: S. Grajek (Poznań) Results of IMPROVE IT study The clinical message from IMPROVE IT study Discussion The reaserch for the new antidiabetic drugs in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular risk The results of TECOS-sitagiplin study in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular risk Discussion |
09:00 - 10:30 |
Cardiology is an art- what does it mean? Cardiology is an art- what does it mean?Chairpersons: W. Banasiak (Wrocław) In the era of EBM? In the era of current organization of cardiac care in Poland? For the young adept of cardiology? Disscussion |
Landmark procedures in cardiac surgery Landmark procedures in cardiac surgerySession recommended by Scientific Committee for PCS CongressesChairpersons: W. Rużyłło (Warszawa) Landmark procedures in cardiac surgery of congenital heart diseases Landmark procedures in cardiac surgery of coronary arteries Landmark procedures in cardiac surgery of valvular heart and aorta diseases Landmark procedures in cardiac surgery of heart failure and arrhythmia |
Good to know for better understanding. Functionally univentricular hearts – Fontan circulation Good to know for better understanding. Functionally univentricular hearts – Fontan circulationChairpersons: P. Burczyński (Warszawa) Functionally univentricular hearts. Is morphology relevant for the late outcome? Pathophysiology of Fontan circulation. How to make it work? Adults after Fontan-type procedures – results, late problems Surgical treatment of late post Fontan complications – from conversion to transplantation. |
Cardiac imaging 2015 – core clinical curriculum Cardiac imaging 2015 – core clinical curriculumChairpersons: J. Kasprzak (Łódź) Three-dimensional echocardiography for a practitioner Modern echo assessment of myocardial regional function Sex depended differences in left ventricular global longitudinal strain during dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with significant coronary artery stenosis Cardiac MRI – key practical indications Radionuclide cardiac imaging – current status and future |
The change in clinical profile of cardiac surgery patients The change in clinical profile of cardiac surgery patientsChairpersons: J. Pacholewicz (Zabrze) Patient with aneurysm of the ascending aorta Patient with aortic valve disease Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement with access through the upper ministernotomy provides excellent results - an analysis of more than 400 cases Revascularization in patients with severely impaired LV function: Is there need for viability and ischemia evaluation? |
Multivessel coronary artery disease – how to do revascularization in the presence of chronic total occlusion of coronary artery?Chairpersons: J. Wójcik (Lublin) Why complete revascularization in multivessel disease is so important – new data Was this patient properly treated – percutaneous revascularization in multivessel disease? Long-term outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion in octogenarians: closing the gap? Was this patient properly treated – surgical revascularization in multivessel disease? Maybe hybrid revascularization should be considered? |
Atrial fibrillation: treatment Atrial fibrillation: treatmentChairpersons: H. Szwed (Warszawa) Patient with new-onset atrial fibrillation Vitamin K antagonist or non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant: for whom? Antiarhythmics in atrial fibrillation: old and new Rate control: should we change the rules? |
The Year in Cardiology. The best of European Heart Journal. The best from London. The Year in Cardiology. The best of European Heart Journal. The best from London.Session with the participation of the Editor-in-chief of “European Heart Journal” organized by “Club 30” of Polish Cardiac SocietyChairpersons: E. Jankowska (Wrocław) Introduction Translational and preventive cardiology, hypertension Coronary artery disease and invasive cardiology Heart failure and cardiomyopathies Valve diseases, pulmonary hypertension and imaging Electrotherapy and implanted devices Intensive cardiac care |
Athlete's heart and... diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity and... seks Athlete's heart and... diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity and... seksChairpersons: W. Drygas (Warszawa) Atlethe’s heart and... diabetes type 1 and 2 Atlethe’s heart and... dyslipidemia Atlethe’s heart and... obesity Atlethe’s heart and... sex |
Practical meaning of registers of prymarny and secondary prevetion Practical meaning of registers of prymarny and secondary prevetionChairpersons: R. Piotrowicz (Warszawa) Neurological symptoms in patients diagnosed with PFO. Relationship between 28 -years trends of quality of nutrition and SCORE in adult Warsaw population Age and gender differences in place and causes of deaths of acute myocardial infarction in-patients in a 3-year observation after discharge (from nationwide AMI-PL study) Global risk of death caused by cardiovascular diseases in the Polish population in the older age. Summary-Polish registers- where are we? Where are we going? |
11:00 - 12:30 |
New therapeutic interventions among end-stage patients in an Intensive Cardiology Care Unit New therapeutic interventions among end-stage patients in an Intensive Cardiology Care UnitChairpersons: J. Stępińska (Warszawa) Targeted temperature managment Interventions valvular heart diseases Mechnical short term circulatory support Mechanical mild and long term circulatory support |
Low gradient severe aortic stenosis Low gradient severe aortic stenosisSession recommended by Scientific Committee for PCS CongressesChairpersons: E. Płońska-Gościniak (Szczecin) Low-gradient, low-flow severe aortic stenosis with reduced EF and preserved contractile reserve Low-gradient paradoxically low-flow severe aortic stenosis with preserved EF Low-gradient, low-flow aortic stenosis with reduced EF without preserved contractile reserve |
Difficult cases of heart defects. What did we learn - continuum Difficult cases of heart defects. What did we learn - continuumChairpersons: G. Brzezińska-Rajszys (Warszawa) Everything seems predictable, but... Lesson from late problems after treatment for complex heart defects Falling Fontan – consecutive steps of treatment Walking through the maze of diagnosis and treatment – machinery murmur after closure of the patent ductus arteriosus. Cardiology is an art |
Arrhythmias in inflamatory cardiac diseases Arrhythmias in inflamatory cardiac diseasesChairpersons: J. Kasprzak (Łódź) Infectious diseased with heart involvement Autoimmunological myocarditis Rhythm and conduction disorders in inflamatory hesrt diseases Indications for device therapy in inflamatory heart dieseases |
Treatment of hypertension in different clinical situation – managment in practice Treatment of hypertension in different clinical situation – managment in practiceChairpersons: K. Kawecka-Jaszcz (Kraków) Treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes Treatment of hypertension coexisting with coronaray artery disease Treatment of hypertension after stroke Treatment of hypertension in patients with decreased renal function |
Cardiovascular Imaging – current status and perspectives Cardiovascular Imaging – current status and perspectivesFrench-German-Polish sessionChairpersons: P. Hoffman (Warszawa) Echocardiography – increasing role of new technologies Discussion Computed tomography – from morphology to function Discussion Magnetic resonance – clinical and scientific applications Discussion – 5 min Fusion imaging – advantages and limitations Discussion Final discussion |
Progress in Cardiac Electrotherapy 2015 Progress in Cardiac Electrotherapy 2015Chairpersons: J. Wranicz (Łódź) ICD 2015 CRT 2015 Remote monitoring 2015 Transvenous lead extraction 2015 |
Optimalization of antithrombotic and antiplatelet treatment in ACS Optimalization of antithrombotic and antiplatelet treatment in ACSChairpersons: A. Budaj (Warszawa) Optimal antithrombotic treatment in NSTEMI is fondaparinux but neither unfractionated heparin nor enoxaparin Optimal dual antiplatelet therapy post DES implantation should be shorter than 12 months |
Right ventricular heart failure - different faces Right ventricular heart failure - different facesChairpersons: A. Torbicki (Otwock) ... due to left ventricular diastolic failure ... due to mitral valve defect ... due to tricuspid valve defect Enlargement the inferior vena cava diameter as a prognostic factor in patients with chronic heart failure |
From bench to bedside in heart failure From bench to bedside in heart failureChairpersons: M. Mączewski (Warszawa) Influence of hypoxia and iron deficiency on the cellular stress response and the molecular machinery involved in iron metabolism within rat H9C2 cardiomyocytes and L6G8C5 myocytes. Post infarct heart failure is associated with increased synthesis of heart’s fraction of oxytocin Melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM, CD 146) as an emerging biomarker with prognostic significance in patients with chronic heart failure. Plasma Copeptin for short term risk stratification in acute pulmonary embolism Intravenous iron reduces post-myocardial infarction left ventricular remodeling in the post-myocardial infarction hear fialure in the rat Summary- From bench to bedside in heart failure |
HypertensionModerator: A. Prejbisz (Warszawa) The influence of antihypertensive treatment on arterial stiffness, shear stress and activity of chosen matrix metalloproteinases Kynurenic acid – a new marker of the aortic stiffness Serum VEGF-C concentration as the modulator of the relation between urinary sodium excretion and blood pressure in humans. Plasma renalase concentration before and after radiofrequency renal denervation in patients with resistant hypertension: preliminary results Resistant or pseudoresistant hypertension – which is a true epidemic? Insights from renal denervation screening programme. Arterial stiffness and left atrial volume index in hypertensive and normotensive subjects Visceral fat volume is associated with diastolic dysfunction in patients with resistant hypertension - Resist-POL Study. The effect of aircraft noise exposure on blood pressure and asymptomatic organ damage Hemodynamic parameters and renin – aldosterone system reactivity in response to modulation of autonomic system in young healthy men with positive and negative head-up tilt test Heart failureModerator: M. Kuch (Warszawa) Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists treatment in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction in Poland (DATA-HELP registry). Frequency and clinical characteristics of patients with heart failure due to tachyarrhythmia induced cardiomyopathy in european society of cardiology registry Systolic heart failure of nonischemic and nonhypertensive etiology- a common problem in young patients. Subanalysis of the DATA-HELP study. Heart failure in the young patients in the Polish population of the ESC Heart Failure Long-Term Registry. The relationship between mild diastolic function disturbances -impaired relaxation and isolated heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in patients with hypertension. The new-onset heart failure in the Polish population of the ESC Heart Failure Long-Term Registry Additive effect of reduced left ventricle ejection fraction and functional status at discharge home from acute myocardial infarction on 3-year rehospitalizations due to heart failure and mortality (analysis from PL-ACS registry) Pulmonary hypertension in patients with chronic lung diseases referred for lung transplantation. 10 years mortality in patients hospitalized due to decompensated Heart Failure (HF) Evaluation of cardiac morphology and function Evaluation of cardiac morphology and functionModerator: A. Klisiewicz (Warszawa) Right ventricle adaptation changes as a result of endurance training in the group of young cyclists - the sex is also of importance. Gender differences in the relationship between left ventricular geometry and global afterload in degenerative aortic stenosis Impact of extreme altitude on the right heart. What is observed in the echocardiographic assessment? Does the bicuspid aortic valve morphology matter? A meta-analysis of the bicuspid valve morphology and aortic diameter Improvement of ultrasonic tissue characterization indices and reduction of hypertrophy in patients with acromegaly after pituitary surgery 12-month echocardiographic follow-up of breast cancer patients during anthracycline based chemotherapy- preliminary data from Onco-Echo multicenter study Left atrial function assessed by speckle tracking method in transthoracic echocardiography for predicting the presence of left atrial appendage thrombus in patients with atrial fibrillation Impact of sleep-disordered breathing on the left atrial dysfunction in patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction - assessment using speckle tracking echocardiography The clinical manifestation of Non-compaction Cardiomyopathy in the developmental period - a single center experience. Rehabilitation and preventionModerator: D. Szalewska (Gdańsk) Neuromuscular electrostimulation of lower limbs in patients with chronic heart failure(exercise tolerance)-a randomized study Analysis of exercise capacity in patients with heart failure treated with long-term cardiac mechanical assistance (VAD) The course and the results of rehabilitation of patients with multivessel coronary artery disease treated in-hospital hybrid method. The relationship between the profile of risk factors for coronary artery disease and the likelihood of another acute cardiac syndrome in women under the age of 45 Association of changes in patients' characteristics and management with decreasing mortality rates of men and women with STEMI in Poland from 2005 to 2011 Marital status differences in the prevalence of risk factors, symptoms and treatment of stable coronary artery disease in Poland - the results of RECENT trial. The cardiovascular disease risk factor profile in a young woman (under the age of 45) with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) Trends in adolescents’ lifestyle in post-communist country following the accession to the European Union Exposure to cigarette smoke and the morphology of atherosclerotic plaques in the extracranial arteries assessed by computed tomography angiography in patients with essential hypertension Testosterone and dehydroepiadrosterone sulfate are involved in the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease in menstruating women before 50 years of age Screening assessment of cardiovascular psychosocial risk factors among female polish office workers in productive age Devices in heart failureModerator: A. Tomaszewski (Lublin) First Polish analysis of the treatment of severe heart failure in children with BerlinHeart assist device Transportation using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Continuous monitoring of day by day variations in biventricular pacing percentage, rather than its mean values, is a better predictor of clinical outcomes regardless of rhythm type Echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular function in patients with advanced heart failure treated with cardiac resynchronization therapy. Long term results. Clinical outcome of left ventricular assist device recipient patients: comparison between pulsatile and continuous flow devices Non-pharmacological treatment in ischemic heart failure in Poland The role of dependence between TBW (total body water) and other selected BIA parameters among the patients with DCM. Assesment of selected bioelectrical impedance indicators among the patients affected with dilated cardiomyopathy Assesment od dependence between BNP and BIA parameters - ECW, BMI, FTI among the patients with DCM. |
12:45 - 14:15 |
Recipe for patients’ and his doctors’ survival Recipe for patients’ and his doctors’ survivalSatellite session organized by ServierChairpersons: P. Hoffman (Warszawa) Rescuing physician – how to avoid professional burn out? Rescuing hypertensive patient – Polish Society of Hypertension guidelines 2015, what’s new? Rescuing hypertensive patient – does simpler always means better? Rescuing physician – how to make patient listening to me? |
Satellite session organized by Servier - teletransmission from the Wroclaw hall Satellite session organized by Servier - teletransmission from the Wroclaw hall |
14:30 - 15:15 |
The story of some acquaintance... – from stable coronary artery disease to heart failure The story of some acquaintance... – from stable coronary artery disease to heart failureSatellite session organized by ServierChairpersons: W. Banasiak (Wrocław) Patient with stable angina Patient after myocardial infarction Patient with systolic heart failure |
The treatment of patients based on the ESC/PTK Guidelines and new PTNT 2015 Guidelines – practical expert recommendationsSatellite session organized by Berlin-ChemieChairpersons: P. Hoffman (Warszawa) The importance of guidelines in every day practice Clinical implications of the PSH 2015 guidelines Patient with hypertension and coronary artery disease – practical expert recommendations Patient with hypertension and heart failure – practical expert recommendations Dyskusja |
A breakthrough in the treatment of lipid disorders A breakthrough in the treatment of lipid disordersSatellite session organized by SanofiChairpersons: J. Stępińska (Warszawa) The LDL-C hypothesis – The evolving knowledge in lipid disorders Is the low LDL-C limit for CV risk reduction? – Where are we today? Current challenges associated with lipid lowering therapies, new treatment options |
A breakthrough in the treatment of lipid disorders A breakthrough in the treatment of lipid disordersSatellite session organized by SanofiChairpersons: J. Stępińska (Warszawa) The LDL-C hypothesis – The evolving knowledge in lipid disorders Is the low LDL-C limit for CV risk reduction? – Where are we today? Current challenges associated with lipid lowering therapies, new treatment options |
What do we learn from the AF registries and real life evidence? NOAC in everyday practice What do we learn from the AF registries and real life evidence? NOAC in everyday practiceSatellite session organized by BayerChairpersons: A. Undas (Kraków) What do we learn from the latest real life registries? NOAC in my AF patients NOAC – practical aspects of safety |
What do we learn from the AF registries and real life evidence? NOAC in everyday practice What do we learn from the AF registries and real life evidence? NOAC in everyday practiceSatellite session organized by BayerChairpersons: A. Undas (Kraków) What do we learn from the latest real life registries? NOAC in my AF patients NOAC – practical aspects of safety |
Dyslipidemia no one has a name - atherogenic dyslipidaemia still a significant clinical problem Dyslipidemia no one has a name - atherogenic dyslipidaemia still a significant clinical problemSatellite session organized by MylanChairpersons: J. Gumprecht (Zabrze) What is atherogenic dyslipidemia? - the role of fibrate Atherogenic dyslipidemia and cardiovascular risk? Whether, when, in whom and HOW to combine satin and fibrate How to increase/improve adherence to treatment by the patient? |
When and which? Short story about hypertension, hyperlipidemia and wine When and which? Short story about hypertension, hyperlipidemia and wineSatellite session organized by KRKAChairpersons: K. Filipiak (Warszawa) When and which drugs in patient with hypertention? When and which drugs in patient with hyperlipidemia? When and which wine to drink for cardioprotection? |
Patient after a myocardial infarction – how to improve the prognosis? The role of psychological and legal support to achieve optimal treatment of patients with ACSSatellite session organized by Astra ZenecaChairpersons: D. Dudek (Kraków) Optimal antiplatelet drug therapy in a patient with myocardial infarction in accordance with ESC/ACC guidelines. Treatment of patients with myocardial infarction after discharge from the hospital. Legal security of the physician and patient in Poland. Myocardial infarction – a difficult emotional situation for the patient. The key role of the physician – patient relationship. Summary |
15:15 - 16:00 | |||||||||||
16:30 - 18:00 |
New ESC/PCS guidelines – implementations in Poland New ESC/PCS guidelines – implementations in PolandSession of the PCS Committee on Guidelines and EducationChairpersons: A. Fijałkowska (Warszawa) Guidelines on revascularization Revascularization - Polish realities Guidelines on aortic diseases Aortic diseases - Polish realities Guidelines on cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery Cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery - Polish realities Guidelines on hyperthrophic cardiomyopathy Hyperthrophic cardiomyopathy - Polish realities Guidelines on pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism - Polish realities |
Electrocardiogram in clinical decisions Electrocardiogram in clinical decisionsSession recommended by Scientific Committee for PCS CongressesChairpersons: M. Kurpesa (Łódź) ECG in emergency room - not only myocardial infarction ECG in selection for the pacemaker implantation – in whom I will not implant device ECG in supraventricular arrhythmias - pitfalls and diagnostic difficulties ECG in cathlab – does it always make the decision easier? |
Challenging casesChairpersons: R. Ochotny (Poznań) My patient has asymptomatic atrial fibrillation My patient with atrial fibrillation and currently with ACS My patient with atrial fibrillation has indications for pacing My patient with CRT and currently with fever |
Adult after ToF correction in childhood – problems in follow-up? Adult after ToF correction in childhood – problems in follow-up?Chairpersons: P. Hoffman (Warszawa) Pulmonary regurgitation – what do we not know yet? Ventricular arrhythmia – stratification and treatment Heart failure – is it only right ventricle to blame? Tricuspid regurgitation |
Cardiologist's dilema – assessment of myocardial viability Cardiologist's dilema – assessment of myocardial viabilityChairpersons: K. Mizia-Stec (Katowice) I take echo I take SPECT and PET I take cardiac magnetic resonance |
Mitral regurgitation – which treatment for which patient? Mitral regurgitation – which treatment for which patient?Chairpersons: Z. Kalarus (Zabrze) Mitral valve disease in Poland- results from the WADPOL-POLKARD registry Intensive observation – how long? Surgical mitral valve repair – limitations Mitraclip – what do we still need to find out? MItral valve replacement – is it only a necessary evil? |
New hypertension guidelines – what should cardiologist know? New hypertension guidelines – what should cardiologist know?Wytyczne ESC/PTKChairpersons: K. Kawecka-Jaszcz (Kraków) New Polish 2015 hypertension guidelines and 2013 ESH/ESC guidelines ESH position statement regarding ambulatory blood pressure monitoring – when should it be perform and how should it be interpreted? Endocrine Society guidelines for primary aldosteronism– when should it be suspected? which and how screening methods should be employed? ESH position statement regarding fibromuscular dysplasia – most important issues Endocrine Society guidelines for pheochromocytoma – how does it influence clinical practice? |
When do the guidelines not provide an answer: how to treat successfully a patient with severe heart failure?Wytyczne ESC/PTKChairpersons: P. Ponikowski (Wrocław) ...with hypoperfusion? ...with resistance to diuretics? ...with pulmonary edema? Hepato - renal disorders at admission affect the prognosis of patients with acute heart failure. The use of MELD XI Score |
The best clinical cases. Part I The best clinical cases. Part IChairpersons: M. Kowalski (Warszawa) Sequential balloon pulmonary angioplasties in patient with inoperable chronic thromboembolism pulmonary hypertension - a multi-modality (ivus/oct/ffr) approach to the treated lesion. LDL-apheresis in a female patient with a severe heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in asymptomatic 24-year-old-pregnant woman - management according to new ESC Guidelines 2014 CRT implantation in patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
Prognostic factors and complications in TAVI procedures Prognostic factors and complications in TAVI proceduresChairpersons: D. Jagielak (Gdańsk) Access site vascular complications in patients undergoing Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implatation via Open Versus Percutaneous Approaches in POL-TAVI Registry Pre-procedural dual antiplatelet therapy and bleeding events following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) Analisys of factors predisposing to pacemaker implantation in patients after TAVI. Clopidogrel not indicated before TAVI, after TAVI with caution and under platelet reactivity assessment. Patient age does not affect outcome after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) Summary lecture - how to assess the risk of TAVI procedures and how to predict complications |
Percutaneous interventions in coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease Percutaneous interventions in coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular diseaseModerator: S. Bartuś (Kraków) Long-Term Clinical Outcomes of Thin Struts Biodegradable Coated Sirolimus Eluting Alex Stents Implanted in All-Comers Patient Population Comparison of first and second-generation DES in elderly patients [Katowice-Zabrze Registry] Comparison of everolimus-eluting stents with first (paclitaxel, sirolimus) and second-generation (zotarolimus, biolimus) drug-eluting stents in patients with acute coronary syndromes [Katowice-Zabrze Registry]. Dose dependent vascular response following delivery of sirolimus via fast releasing, biodegradable polymer stent matrix: an experimental study in the porcine coronary model of restenosis. Carotid artery stenting prior to the urgent cardiac surgery - a hybrid treatment strategy. The immediate percutaneous intervention after bypass surgery complicated by periprocedural myocardial infarction may improve clinical outcomes. Long term outcomes in diabetic patients treated with atherectomy for peripheral artery disease Remote ischemic preconditioning for prevention of contrast induced nephropathy in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. 10 Months follow-up after retrograde recanalization of SFA chronic total occlusion. In-hospital and long-term outcomes in patients with calcified lesions in coronary arteries undergoing rotational atherectomy electively versus after unsuccessful angioplasty Interventions in valvular diseases and vascular interventions in children Interventions in valvular diseases and vascular interventions in childrenModerator: Z. Chmielak (Warszawa) Transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation in not typical patients. Prospective analysis of oligosymptomatic patients with severe, structural mitral regurgitation who underwent a procedure of minimally invasive mitral valve repair. Local and general anesthesia in patients undergoing transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation in Pol-TAVI Registry Long-term results of complex treatment of middle aortic syndrome in children Platelet size and bleeding following transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Clinical importance and prognostic implications of thrombocytopenia after transcatheter aortic valve implantation - preliminary observations. In-hospital and one-year results in patients with severe aortic stenosis and co-existing coronary artery disease treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Single center early experience with Valeo Balloon Expandable Vascular Stents in treatment of pulmonary arteries stenosis in small children Interventional treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation. Varia Interventional treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation. VariaModerator: E. Koźluk (Warszawa) Clinical factors determining baseline and post-procedural stem cell fractions in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing RF pulmonary vein ablation Results of left atrial appendage occlusion in elderly patients Percutaneous occlusion of left atrial appendage under general anesthesia for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure Safety and feasibility of cryobaloon pulmonary vein isolation in advanced heart failure patients with previously implanted devices Significant reduction of procedure and fluoroscopy times with growing experience in circular phased radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation. Long-term optical coherence imaging and angiography follow-up of renal arteries after radio-frequency catheter-based denervation in patients with resistant hypertension. A randomized comparison of subcutaneous "Z" stitch versus manual compression to achieve hemostasis after large caliber femoral venous sheaths' removal Peripheral chemoreceptors sensitivity is twice higher in hypertensives Acute coronary syndromes IModerator: T. Jaxa-Chamiec (Warszawa) Long-term outcomes and predictors of 3-year mortality after discharge home from acute myocardial - analysis of joined databases PL-ACS and AMI-PL national registries The clinical impact of atrial fibrillation complicating ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction depends on location of infarction and timing of arrhythmia - data from a 10-year prospective study Acute coronary syndromes in young Polish women. Data from Polish National PCI Registry Impact of concomitant chronic total occlusion on short and long-term prognosis according to gender of patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Complete revascularization with percutaneous coronary intervention improves long-term outcomes in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease presenting with NSTE-ACS Periprocedural hyperglicaemia worsens the short-term prognosis of patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes treated with percutaneous coronary intervention Acute coronary syndromes in young (<45 years) patients. One-year cohort from Polish National PCI Registry. Acid-base imbalance in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention Periprocedural ventricular fibrillation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention determines higher in-hospital mortality. Factors influencing the total delay time in STEMI Various aspects of atrial fibrillation Various aspects of atrial fibrillationModerator: I. Gorczyca-Michta (Kielce) The impact of new onset atrial fibrillation on mortality and morbidity in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Kynurenic acid – a new biomarker of the intensity of spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in patients with atrial fibrillation What is the real-life management in patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease after stent implantation? Factors which determine the use of nonvitamin-K-antagonists in patients with atrial fibrillation - results of the 1800 patients study. Does renal function affect clinical course and management in patients with atrial fibrillation? Erectile dysfunction in atrial fibrillation patients – epidemiological study of the Polish population Kidney dysfunction and left ventricular myocardial fibrosis in patients with atrial fibrillation The association between left atrial volume index and the intensity of spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in patients with atrial fibrillation Reverse remodeling of the left atrium reduces the risk of cerebral embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation by reducing the severity of spontaneous echocardiographic contrast The use of NOAC in patients undergoing percutaneous ablation of atrial fibrillation substrate. VariaModerator: D. Śliż (Warszawa) Patient's delay in seeking care do not affect one-year post-discharge mortality in STEMI treated with primary coronary angioplasty Clinical characteristics of patients who suffered ischemic neurological events or migraine and were diagnosed due to PFO appearance. Is the age of donors connected with worse prognosis for heart recipients ? Sex-specific trends in cardiovascular drugs use among STEMI patients in Poland from 2005 to 2011 Insertion/deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme predicts coronary artery disease severity in patients with premature coronary disease. Evaluation of plasma concentration of nitric oxide during head-up tilt test in patients with vasovagal syncope. New onset diabetes mellitus at mid-term follow-up after acute myocardial infarction treated invasively is related to increased prevalence of decreased renal function Left ventricular echocardiographic parameters in young adult childhood cancer survivors Comparison of two models estimating sudden cardiac death risk in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Impact on primary prevention practice. Vascular endothelial growth Factor and its soluble receptors type 1 and type 2 in plasma of patients with lower extremity artery disease coexistent with coronary artery disease - preliminary report. Evaluation of the Influence of syncope on neurocognitive function in patients with vasovagal syncope. Adherence to ESC guidelines in pre-hospital emergency care in patients with acute coronary syndromes Determinants of plasma kidney injury molecule-1 and its prognostic utility in patients with acute heart failure. |
18:15 - 19:00 |
A meeting of Reviewers and the Scientific Board of the Polish Heart Journal A meeting of Reviewers and the Scientific Board of the Polish Heart Journal |
Saturday3October |
HALL Wroclaw; |
HALL Kraków |
HALL Zabrze |
HALL Katowice |
HALL Poznań |
HALL Łódź |
HALL Gdańsk |
HALL Szczecin |
HALL Warszawa |
HALL Lublin |
HALL Płyta główna |
09:00 - 10:30 |
Heart failure and atrial fibrillation Heart failure and atrial fibrillationChairpersons: Ł. Szumowski (Warszawa) The haert rate and rhythm control, when and how? Antiarrhythmic and anticoagulation treatment Resynchronization Ablations Frequency of occurrence and clinical characteristics of patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation in European Society of Cardiology survey |
How to prevent hospitalizations of patients with heart failure? How to prevent hospitalizations of patients with heart failure?Session reccomended by ScientIfic Committee of Congresses PCSChairpersons: J. Nessler (Kraków) Treatment in acute phase Clinical stabilization A plan for behavior at discharge from hospital Which patient discharged with left ventricular ejection fraction <=40% and when dies after myocardial infraction (3 years of observation from combined PL-ACS and AMI-PL registers) Outpatient care and telemedicine |
Obesity and cardiology – facts and myths in 2015 Obesity and cardiology – facts and myths in 2015Wytyczne ESC/PTKChairpersons: M. Haberka (Katowice) Obesity and cardiovascular diseases – risk estimation, clinical assessment and management according to guidelines and recent studies Current guidelines on obesity prevention and management Surgical management of severe obesity: indications for bariatric surgery, main surgical techniques, future perspectives Debate among the lecturers and experts |
Sleep apnea and cardiovascular system Sleep apnea and cardiovascular systemPCS/PSH/PSLD sessionChairpersons: Z. Kalarus (Zabrze) Diagnosis and treatment of breathing problems during sleep Sleep apnea and hypertension Sleep apnea and CHF |
Stratification of cardiovascular risk – controversies in diagnostic imaging Stratification of cardiovascular risk – controversies in diagnostic imagingChairpersons: C. Kępka (Warszawa) Echocardiography Epicardial adipose tissue is related to left ventricular viability in patients with chronically occluded left anterior descending coronary artery Computed tomography coronary angiography SPECT and PET |
Perspectives of percutaneous renal denervation and renal angioplasty in the treatment of hypertensionChairpersons: A. Januszewicz (Warszawa) Percutaneous renal denervation is an important method of treatment of resistant hypertension Percutaneous renal artery angioplasty is safe and effective treatment in selected patients with arterial hypertension |
Patient with diabetes and cardiovascular disease – what is new and controversial? Patient with diabetes and cardiovascular disease – what is new and controversial?Chairpersons: E. Konduracka (Kraków) In a diabetic patient with cardiovascular disease we should be aware more about hypoglycemia than hyperglycemia New antidiabetic drugs (long-acting insulin analogues, DPP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, SGLT-2 inhibitors) should be preferred in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease |
Experience and conclusions learned from the POL - TAVI Registry 2014 Experience and conclusions learned from the POL - TAVI Registry 2014Chairpersons: D. Dudek (Kraków) Co-existing mitral regurgitation in patients referred for TAVI and its impact on the early and long-term outcome TAVI in patients with porcelain aorta Comparison of population of patients after TAVI treatment with different accesses Indications and outcomes in TAVI through aortic access Type of anesthesia and its possible impact on the course of procedure and early outcomes- conclusions from the POLTAVI Registry The prevalence of old age - data from POLTAVI Registry |
Th best clinical cases. Part II Th best clinical cases. Part IIChairpersons: P. Pieniążek (Kraków) Acute dissection of normal - sized ascending aorta with coexisting non - dissected aneurysm of aortic arch and thoracic aorta mimicking acute pulmonary embolism A giant, ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva sinus (mimicking infective endocarditis of a tricuspid valve): complicated clinical picture and diagnostic difficulties. Dyspnoea, cyanosis and haematological disorders in 49-year old woman after correction of ASD in childhood. Percutaneous closure of perivalvular leak in treatment of anemia in the patient with complicated diabetes and chronic inflammatory state. Common carotid artery access for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. |
Atrial fibrillationsChairpersons: J. Kaźmierczak (Szczecin) Clinical efficacy of antazoline in rapid cardioversion of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation – a single centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Age as a risc factor of silent brain vascular lesions in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation Safety of electrical cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation treated DAnonVK Echocardiographically assessed improvement of left atrial function and stiffness in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation successfully treated with catheter ablation The influence of the ventricular pacing percentage on the atrial fibrillation burden in patients with tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome and implanted dual chamber devices. Summary lecture - Atrial fibrillation AD 2015 |
Pulmonary circulationModerator: J. Lewczuk (Wrocław) Supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension are associated with abnormal heart rate turbulence. The importance of atrial fibrillation in patients with pulmonary embolism Heart Rate Variability and its prognostic role in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Sleep-disordered breathing in pulmonary arterial hypertension PAH and in pulmonary hypertension due to left ventricular dysfunction - comparison of clinical characteristics The influence of age on the prognostic value of the clinical prediction rules in patients with pulmonary embolism Enhanced IL-6 trans-signaling in pulmonary arterial hypertension and its potential role in disease-related systemic damage Assuming of prognostic significance of right heart thrombi in patients with acute pulmonary embolism, single centre experience. Biochemical markers and polymorphisms of genes in patients with heart and vascular disesses. Experimental cardiology.Moderator: K. Kamiński (Białystok) Influence of percutaneous coronary intervention on stem and progenitor cells mobilization in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction and stable coronary artery disease Higher concentration of GDF-15 on admission is related to no-reflow phenomenon in patients with STEMI Higher IL-35 serum concentration in patients with coronary artery disease – the association with cholesterol fractions and postmenopausal status and the effect on immunomodulatory functions of aortic smooth muscle cells Assessment of the effect of IL-4 on FcεR receptors for IgE in human endothelial cells -role in the regulation of the endothelial integrity Effect of statins on tissue factor expression and calcification in human aortic valve interstitial cells Functional polymorphisms in IGF-1, IGFBP3, GLUT-1 and integrin αVβ3 and the process of restenosis in bare metal stents Effect of atorvastatin on regeneration of young and old endothelial cell, an in vitro model mimicking those occurring during angioplasty What do we know about protein S100b and procalcitonin (PCT) concentrations in patients resuscitated from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)? Dose-dependent effect of aspirin on the level of sphingolipids in human blood. Usefulness of common biomarkers in assessment of prognosis in in-hospital cardiac arrest patients. Association of the C-reactive protein gene (CRP) rs1205 C>T polymorphism with the severity of aortic valve stenosis Markers in heart failureModerator: K. Piestrzeniewicz (Łódź) Bone morphogenetic protein 6 as a possible new marker in systolic heart failure. Novel urinary kidney biomarkers predict worsening renal function in patients with acute heart failure Prognostic value of selected markers of renal tubular damage in patients with systolic heart failure in one-year follow-up Hepcidin and its regulator molecule – hemojuvelin in chronic systolic heart failure patients Impact of impaired renal function on long-term outcome in systolic heart failure Long-term outcome of percutaneous angioplasty in diabetic ischemic heart failure patients The influence of slow breathing training on the prevalence of orthostatic Hypotension in Chronic heart failure Central sleep apnea in patients with heart failure is strongly related to cardiovascular structural and hemodynamic alterations. Acute coronary syndromes IIModerator: W. Wojakowski (Katowice) Altered fibrin clot properties affect the angiographic results of primary coronary intervention No links between intracoronary thrombus components and slow reflow after primary coronary intervention Reduced left ventricle ejection fraction at mid-term follow up after acute myocardial infarction treated invasively Dual marker strategy for the rapid diagnosis of non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome The relationship between the environmental factors and severity of clinical status and short-term prognosis for the patients with non ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes treated in the reference cardiac center Any renal dysfunction during hospitalization increases one-year post-discharge mortality in STEMI treated with primary coronary angioplasty Relationship between infarct artery location, acute total coronary occlusion and mortality in STEMI and NSTEMI patients Factors influencing the patient delay in STEMI The influence of treatment delay on the in-hospital STEMI patient outcome Analysis of patients with sudden cardiac arrest regarding cause and place of the event and its impact on outcomes - a 5-year observation of a single reference center. Complications in electrotherapy Complications in electrotherapyModerator: A. Przybylski (Rzeszów) Cied Infections - the lesson from lead extraction. how many patients are managed improperly before the procedure ? Major transvenous lead extraction complications – appearence and management. an analysis of 1767 procedures Abandoned lead – does it have influence on lead extraction effectiveness ? Lead to lead mutual connection during extraction -interaprocedurally recognised technical problem and its significance. Lead dislodged into pulmonary vascular bed after years– the lesson from tle How long is learning curve on lead extraction? Personal experience Lead dependent infective endocarditis - analysis of prognostic factors and survival of women and men Useful SPECT-CT white blood cell scintigraphy in patients with suspected lead dependent infective endocarditis Transvenous lead extraction in nanogenarians – safety & effectiveness. Single centre experience Long-term follow-up after transvenous lead extraction Size of lead dependent vegetations - the influence on clinical state and prognosis Evaluation of the extent of cardiac implantable electronic device infections according to the Duke criteria Indications for removal of the leads and the presence of residues of connective echocardiography after surgery transvenous lead extraction Miscellaneous problems in electrocardiology Miscellaneous problems in electrocardiologyModerator: P. Kułakowski (Warszawa) Catheter ablation without use of fluoroscopy in patients with accessory pathway Could short-term effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy on hemodynamic parameters evaluated by impedance cardiography be predicted? How to recognize left ventricular hypertrophy in morbidly obese patients? A proposal of new electrocardiographic criteria Repolarization dynamicity as a predictor of appropriate ICD interventions in patients with the remote myocardial infarction, treated with amiodarone. Wartość parametrów EKG w ocenie przerostu lewej komory u pacjentów z bezobjawowym zwężeniem zastawki aortalnej Application of adjacency matrix, a novel complex network constructed from increments of RR-intervals for heart graft state evaluation. Initial experiences in radiofrequency ablation of postero-septal rights accessorys pathways using fluoroscopy integrated with 3D electroanatomical system The influence of ablation therapy on medical and psychological parameters of the quality of life in children with supraventricular tachycardia |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Patient with cancer – How to save heart? Statement of ESC Patient with cancer – How to save heart? Statement of ESCCardiooncologyChairpersons: A. Torbicki (Otwock) What does oncologist need from a cardiologist? Cardiotoxicity of radiotherapy Cardiotoxicity of radiotherapy Cardiac prevention in patients with cancer disease |
How to improve the prognosis of a high-risk patient? How to improve the prognosis of a high-risk patient?Session recommended by Scientific Committee Congresses PCSChairpersons: A. Mamcarz (Warszawa) Patient with multiple risk factors and chronic kidney disease Patient after myocardial infarction and stroke with severe hypertension Patient with heart failure, diabetes and dyslipidemia |
Controversy in arhythmologyChairpersons: K. Mizia-Stec (Katowice) In primary prevention patient with cardiomyopathy and ICD at End of Battery Life I replace device despite improvement of left venttricle systolic function and lack of intervention In atrial fibrillation patient at high risk of stroke oral anticoagulant is a better option for stroke prevention than left atrial appendage occluder |
Cardiac rehabilitation- missed in guidelines Cardiac rehabilitation- missed in guidelinesChairpersons: R. Piotrowicz (Warszawa) Optimizing resynchronization therapy in cardiac rehabilitation Malignant arrhythmia and physical effort Cardiac rehabilitation in patient with aortic aneurysm |
Challenging decisions in ICU based on clinical cases Challenging decisions in ICU based on clinical casesChairpersons: B. Średniawa (Zabrze) Patient with end-stage heart failure resistant to pharmacotherapy Elderly patient with symptomatic critical aortic stenosis and many additional diseases Abstract: Copeptin for the prediction of adverse events in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome. Patient with infective endocarditis complicated by acute valvular heart disease Elderly patient with acute myocardial infarction complicated by VSD |
Malpractice in the treatment of electrotherapy complications Malpractice in the treatment of electrotherapy complicationsChairpersons: A. Przybylski (Rzeszów) Lead-dependent infective endocarditis - still diagnosed too late The treatment of electrotherapy infectious complications - which mistakes we do and why so often? Early and late perforations- increasing clinical problem Abstract: Venous stenosis in patients endocardial leads and with diabetes. Reimplatation after removal- unawareness of recommendations is not good for anyone |
Controversy in farmacotherapy of heart failure Controversy in farmacotherapy of heart failureChairpersons: T. Rywik (Warszawa) I use beta-blockers in every patient with systolic heart failure Furosemid and torasemid in heart failure treatment – effect on selected clinical, laboratory parameters and prognosis – data from polish population in ESC HF-Long Term Registry I do not use digoxin in patients with systolic heart failure |
How to treat optimally ischemic cardiomyopath? How to treat optimally ischemic cardiomyopath?Chairpersons: L. Poloński (Zabrze) How to document ischemic etiology? Farmacotherapy: the same or different? Factors associated with low ( <=40%) ejection fraction of left ventricle in patients discharged after acute myocardial infarction (analysis of the PL-ACS Registry) Revascularyzation: percutaneous or surgical? |
Management in pulmonary circulation disease is an art Management in pulmonary circulation disease is an artChairpersons: P. Podolec (Kraków) Movable thrombus in the right atrium - thrombolysis or cardiac surgery? When the thrombolysis in patient with pulmonary embolism and intermediate risk? A different picture of pulmonary embolism in younger and older patients: clinical symptoms, probability risk scores and long term results Severe exacerbation of right sided heart failure due to chronic pulmonary hypertension |
Diagnosis and treatment of stenosis in peripheral arteries Diagnosis and treatment of stenosis in peripheral arteriesChairpersons: P. Pieniążek (Kraków) The outcome of renal artery stenting in angiographically borderline renal artery stenosis, assessed as functionally significant by IVUS and rest and hyperemic pressure gradients Ultrasonographic criteria for recognition of the functionally significant renal artery stenosis differ from the usually recognised cut-off values for stenosis exceeding 50% Patients with carotid artery stenosis and recent cerebral ischemic event are less likely to have a well-developed cerebral collateral pathways that should prompt early carotid intervention. Association of carotid plaque morphology and heart and brain-related miRNAs expression in patients with ischemic stroke related to internal carotid artery stenosis Screening for carotid artery stenosis with the use of pocket-size imaging device equipped with linear probe Summary lecture- Current possibilities for endovascular treatment |
educational session |
session of clinical case |
session of the originals articles - oral presentation |
session of the originals articles - moderated poster session |
special session |
satellite session |
session of working group |
Terminarz spotkań w sali "Przedsionek Sztuki"
lp. | Spotkanie | Dzień | Godzina |
1 | Walne Zgromadzenie Sekcji Kardiochirurgii PTK | 01.10.2015 | 08:00-08:30 |
2 | Spotkanie Zarządu SENiT PTK | 01.10.2015 | 08:30-09:30 |
3 | Konferencja prasowa | 01.10.2015 | 10:00-10:45 |
4 | Walne Zgromadzenie Sekcji Chorób Serca PTK | 01.10.2015 | 11:00-12:00 |
5 | Walne Zgromadzenie Sekcji Kardiologi Eksperymentalnej PTK | 01.10.2015 | 12:30-13:00 |
6 | Walne Zgromadzenie Asocjacji Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych PTK |
01.10.2015 | 13:15-14:00 |
7 | Spotkanie Badaczy ESC STEMI Registry | 02.10.2015 | 07:30-08:30 |
8 | Spotkanie Badaczy ONCOECHO i rejestru Stres Echo | 02.10.2015 | 09:00-10:00 |
In October 2014 emerged an idea to give XIX International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society not only a medical theme – which was ‘atrial fibrillation’ – but also a phrase that would constitute a whole Congress. This is how the theme for the Congress ‘Cardiology is an art’ was born. A phrase that reflects the nature of day-to-day struggles of a cardiologist, as well as opens a door to other people and invites artists to cooperate. Thus, students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław took part, during their semester classes, in a competition for the best visual design of XIX Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society expressed in the sentence ‘Cardiology is an art’ or connected with the subject ‘atrial fibrillation’ - leitmotiv of the Congress.
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